Python Paradise Building set

Towers, Castles, Skyscrapers, Houses, Stores, Power Plants, Condos, Fortresses, and any other structures.
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Python Paradise Building set

Unread post by Shattered »

These modern style buildings were made for my very strange civilization of snake headed Vorpri, who are modern space cowboys.

They come as a set, but if the tags don't come with the .png files, please set the tag to "set:python" without the quotation marks, so that only the buildings within the set appear within an NPC city or planet, and are not mixed in with buildings that don't look right with these.

These will go in C.H.E.F. Order, because I like acronyms.... and apparently this order makes a really good one.

The City Hall:

The House: ... idence.png

The Entertainment:

The Factory: Enjoy!
Thanks for killing me
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Unread post by Arko22 »

Nice (thumbs up)
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Unread post by Shattered »

Thank you Arko22, I might make some more buildings for you all to look at and/or download too.
Thanks for killing me
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